No. 129 (2024)

The current issue of the Scientific Journal of Gdynia Maritime University refers to a variety of topics, from issues related to satellite navigation systems for accurate ship positioning through automatic control systems for pump operation, and the mechanical properties of polyester-glass composites to marketing communication.
The first paper deals with the problem of alternative methods of ship positioning in the open sea compared to commonly used Global Navigational Satellite Systems (GNSS). Despite the advantages of GNSS, the author indicates the need to consider an emergency GNSS backup, in order to assure safe and reliable navigation at sea. For this purpose, celestial navigation is proposed as a cost-effective and readily available backup method for obtaining position information. This problem arises in the current political situation as various factors can jam, disrupt or spoof GNSS signals.
The paper entitled Assessment of the operation of the pump control system using the PID controller presents the results and analysis of a project whose aim was to design, build and programme the automatic system to control the operation of the pump. One of the goals of the project, financed by Ministry of Science and Higher Education, was to enable flow measurement and ensure its efficiency to be smoothly regulated. In order to control the flow and maintain the set flow value, the PID controller has been used various setup configurations. Both the project and article also present an assessment of the operation of the proposed control system.
An analysis of the influence of aluminum powder on the mechanical properties and strength parameters of polyester-glass composites is presented in the next article. The authors present an analysis of the results obtained during a static tensile test and a hardness test. The research has shown that modifying the mechanical and strength properties of composite materials, using an aluminum filler, makes it possible to obtain materials with variable parameters. The authors conclude that the addition of aluminum powder to the composite matrix reduces the tensile strength of the composites but slightly increases their hardness, which can be used to make various types of coatings and structural elements harder.
The last paper describes and analyses the results of surveys and observations in shopping centres regarding customer opinions on sensory marketing activities.
The aim of sensory marketing is to influence the customer's senses and, as a result, evoke associations with a specific product or brand. The research shows that young customers often have knowledge about sensory marketing but do not notice its impact while shopping. As the authors indicate, in order to make the customer feel attached to the brand, it is necessary to adopt a new approach to sensory marketing activities and carefully select stimuli for the target group of potential customers.
Agnieszka Blokus-Dziula