Dietary Behaviour of Adolescents Based on the Example of Fat Intake as a Measure of Consumption of Unhealthy Foods in the Context of Setting Sustainable Development Goals
quality of nutrition, health-related behaviour, youth, sustainable developmentAbstract
Identifying trends related to food consumption and discussing their relationship to the two Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is an important issue regarding the changes and transformations of the world, including meeting the needs of current and future generations. The aim of the article was to assess the nutritional behaviour of a selected group of adolescents aged 15–18 based on the example of fat intake as a measure of consumption of unhealthy foods, especially in the case of overconsumption. The study used the method of primary data analysis, critical analysis of the relevant literature, comparative analysis and the method of synthesis and logical inference. The group of adolescents studied (living in Gdynia, Poland) showed quite unhealthy behaviour based on the example of fat intake. According to the authors of the publication, further research monitoring pro-health attitudes and behaviour of young people is useful and justified as we need to know whether it is necessary to take action to promote development of healthier attitudes and hierarchy of health values. In the light of the challenges of the SDGs, hedonistic needs and trends are important, related, amongst other things, to the issues of ensuring good health and greater care for the mental and physical condition of young people and their families.
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