cooking methods, food quality, microbial safety, rainbow trout, salmonAbstract
This paper explores the three cooking methods (frying, grilling, and steaming) related to fish most commonly utilized by consumers, with a focus on their implications for both food quality and safety. The mean contents of water and fat were found to be 12.63% and 66.22%, respectively. The fat content of the raw fish samples was significantly lower than that of heat-treated samples, and the percentage fat content did not differ significantly between treatment types. In trout, the greatest water loss was observed during grilling and steaming; in the case of salmon, during frying and steaming. In raw trout and salmon, 5.56 log cfu/g of psychrotrophic bacteria and 5.20 log cfu/g of psychrotrophic bacteria were found, respectively. The steaming method proved the least efficient at eliminating psychrotrophic bacteria. In the present study, the grilling method was found to be the best for quality, safety and better health.
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