Characteristics of the Sorption Properties of Dried Hemp




fibre hemp (Cannabis sativa), water activity, sorption isotherm, sorption properties


The study is aimed at assessing the sorption properties of dried hemp (Cannabis sativa L.), which determines the storage stability of the raw material. The statistical and desiccator method was used, with the BET equation used to mathematically interpret the course of the water vapor sorption isotherms. Based on the study, it was found that product IV had the best sorption properties - dried hemp with the lowest degree of fragmentation and non-decarboxylated. Product IV was characterized by the highest water absorption capacity and the highest values ​​of the BET equation parameters (6.13 g/100 g d. m. for the capacity of the monomolecular layer and 215.3 m2/g for the specific sorption surface).


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How to Cite

Ziajka, J. (2024). Characteristics of the Sorption Properties of Dried Hemp. Scientific Journal of Gdynia Maritime University, (131), 48–58.