Evaluation of the Quality and Stability of the Storage of Marjoram (Origanum Majorana L.) based on the Characteristics of the Sorption Properties
marjoram, sorption kinetics of water vapor, sorption isotherm, BET, storage stabilityAbstract
The aim of the study was to assess the quality and stability of the marjoram (Origanum majorana L.) storage using the characteristics of the sorption properties. In the studied products, evaluation of the sorption properties was done by static and dynamic method based on the kinetics and rate of adsorption of water vapor. For mathematical interpretation of running of water vapor sorption isotherms, the BET equation was used, and also the usefulness of GAB, Peleg and Oswin models was shown to describe the obtained adsorption isotherms, basing on the coefficient of determination (R2). On the grounds of the survey, it was found that the national product, more expensive – marjoram I, was characterized by higher quality and storage stability.References
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