The Concept of Increasing Regeneration Degree of Steam Cycle
thermal efficiency, degree of regeneration, propulsion plant, steam turbine, steam jet injectorAbstract
This paper presents the results of carried out analyses regarding efficiency and criteria evaluation of various propulsion plants of modern LNG (Liquid Natural Gas) carriers as well as identification and quality assessment of waste heat energy fluxes of a CST (Conventional Steam Turbine) plant. The possibility of use a steam jet injector in order to recover the latent heat is analysed. Calculations were carried out for an injector. On the basis of the results of the injector calculation, the heat balance of a simple regenerative Clausius- Rankine steam cycle was carried out. The degree of regeneration for cycle using the regenerative injector was determined. Based on results the further research directions for complex plants using a steam jet injector are indicated.References
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