Impact of voltage subharmonics and interharmonics on currents in single-phase induction motors
voltage quality, single-phase induction motor, subharmonics, interharmonicsAbstract
In very low power drives, a single-phase induction motor is used. This motor, like the 3-phase induction squirrel-cage motor, requires a voltage supply with suitable parameters – of suitable quality, in practice. In energy systems, voltage quality distortions may occur in connection with the deviation of the RMS voltage and the occurrence of harmonics, subharmonics and interharmonics in its waveforms. Subharmonics and interharmonics in the voltage waveforms are particularly detrimental to induction motors. They cause, for example, additional power losses, electromagnetic torque pulsation and motor vibrations. It should be stressed that the existing publications on the impact of the considered distortions on the induction squirrel-cage motor are almost only applicable to 3-phase machines. The article presents the results of research on the influence of subharmonic and interharmonic voltage components on the single-phase induction squirrel-cage motor.References
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