Transport of frozen products as a source of environmental and consumer risks
logistics, sustainability, frozen products, food, cold chainAbstract
The article presents the problems related to changes in the quality of frozen food due to its transport, from the point of view of the burden on the environment and the risk for the consumer. The paper presents physical, chemical, and microbiological threats to the quality of frozen food, which are caused by conditions related to the logistics process. Transport of frozen products, which is an essential part of the logistics process, is described in the context of the ATP agreement, the concept of sustainable development, and the HACCP system. As a result of the discussion, it was found that the quality of frozen products during transport may change as a result of different processes and dynamics, which depend on the logistics process as a result of many variables. The logistics process should therefore be considered as a set of related operations from acquisition of raw materials, through production, storage, transport, and distribution, to consumption. The discussion made make it possible to conclude that the integrity of logistics processes determines the quality of frozen products, the final level of which should be considered in terms of the environmental burden and the threats to the safety of consumers. The socio-economic progress and the increasing globalisation in the trade of goods lead to an intensified use of transport processes, the implementation of which should be optimised to ensure high quality of transported goods, including frozen food, and to reduce environmental pollution.References
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