Determining the Ship's Optimal Speed and Safe Track Selection on the Circle on the Narrow and Sharp Bend Fairways by Means of the Rate of Turn ROT Techniques


  • G. Rutkowski Akademia Morska w Gdyni, Morska 81-87, 81-225 Gdynia, Wydział Nawigacyjny


rate of turn (ROT), ship’s velocity, course through the water (CTW), course over ground (COG), speed through the water (STW), speed over ground (SOG), ship’s trajectory


The purpose and scope of this paper is to describe selected problems relating to the proper selection of vessel speed and planning the safe trajectory of its circular arc motion in a restricted area (e.g. on sharp and narrow curves of a fairway) taking into account the practical method of maintaining the steady return radius of the ship Rc by proper adjustment of ROT (Rate of Turn) angular velocity values relative to Vs longitudinal speed values.


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Remove [1] owicki, A., 1999, Wiedza o manewrowaniu statkami morskimi, Trademar, Gdynia.

[2] Rutkowski, G., 2016, Determining Ship’s Safe Speed and Best Possible Speed for Sea Voyage Legs, TransNav the International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation, vol. 10, no. 3.

[3] Teekay, 2017, dokumentacja wewnętrzna korporacji, luty.



How to Cite

Rutkowski, G. (2017). Determining the Ship’s Optimal Speed and Safe Track Selection on the Circle on the Narrow and Sharp Bend Fairways by Means of the Rate of Turn ROT Techniques. Scientific Journal of Gdynia Maritime University, (102), 70–79. Retrieved from


