Review of Methods and Algorithms for Modelling Transportation Networks Based on Graph Theory
knapsack problem, domination number, bondage-connected number, MST, maximal flow, transportation network, vulnerabilityAbstract
One of the best ways of modelling a transport network is to use a graph with vertices and edges. They represent nodes and arcs of such network respectively. Graph theory gives dozens of parameters or characteristics, including a connectivity, spanning trees or the different types of domination number and problems related to it. The main aim of the paper is to show graph theory methods and algorithms helpful in modelling and optimization of a transportation network. Firstly, the descriptions of basic notations in graph theory are introduced. Next, the concepts of domination, bondage number, edge-subdivision and their implementations to the transportation network description and modeling are proposed. Moreover, the algorithms for finding spanning tree or maximal flow in networks are presented. Finally, the possible usage of distinguishing concepts to exemplary transportation network is shown. The conclusions and future directions of work are presented at the end of the paper.References
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